Tough Games Tuesday #1- Battletoads

The above video is proof NES games can be balls hard. And i mean BALLS HARD. I remember playing this game at Robert Barber's house when i was a kid and we never got past the first cavern level. And that was before the jet bike sequence! so last night in traditional fashion i busted out the Dreamcast NES disc and tried to play again. (keyword: tried)

I died 185 times on the bike scene.
185 times.
Let that sink in for a minute.

Now i am no slouch when it comes to games, (except when i get my ass handed to me by my friend Joe in Marvel Vs Capcom 2) but 185 times? that was with a GAME GENIE FOR GOD'S SAKE! In all honesty I'm not saying that games should be easy (i.e. BIOSHOCK) but ruthless and visceral cruelty is somewhat out of line.

So in this inaugural post of tough games tuesday, I rate this game an 8.5 on the hardness scale, this game is fun but boy is it brutal!

Hardness 8.5 (hardened steel)

ps- i will try to blog once a day and i promise that after this one they will be longer!



Unknown said...

The gameboy version was just as hard. Why would they do that to us?